If your vintage interests include kitchenware, then you are likely very familiar with the WearEver juicer. It was cast from aluminium in the 1920s and 30s and  for over a 100 years there has been a legion of loyal and dedicated users of this humble juicer.

After decades of use, the rubber feet would dry out and crumble. Without feet for the grip, the juicer is prone to sliding off the counter when being squeezed. As well as damaging counter top materials with scratches.

I took up the challenge and set off to make my own. I did up a technical drawing and went looking for a solution. Initially, I was thinking of getting a mould made so that I could cast them.

9 years later, still no feet replacements, and 3D printing has made its way to our small prairie town. I met a neighbour last week that happens to work with 3D print technology. I wasted no time in mentioning my idea for replacement feet for the WearEver juicers. He put a set of prototypes in my hand an hour later.

A few tweaks and a week later, I’m pleased to offer the world’s only replacement feet for the beloved WearEver juicer!

Being 3D printed, means each pad is made to precise measurements, and the material quality is so superior to the original, they will never dry out and crumble away.

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#weareverjuicerfeet #juicerfeetreplacements

WearEver Feet replacements are sold in sets of 4.

Flat rate shipping to Canada and the lower 48 States $3

You can order your WearEver juicer feet replacements here.